SeeYou On The Other Side...James & Brian
A quick and unedited Google translation from the images....

THE STORIES OF PAUL JUNIOR BELLDEVELOCISSIMO PASSION IN THE MID-80s THE IMSA SERIES HAS BEEN INVESTED BY THE BIGGEST SCANDAL IN THE RACING WORLD: SIX DRIVERS ARE ARRESTED AND SENTENCED FOR CRIME RELATED TO DRUG TRAFFIC THIS STORY. IN FOUR EPISODES To the side, Paul Junior with the heavenly and beautiful Lola T600 in imsa 1991 and. further to the right, while Stende from papa's Porsche 935. Always on the other page. we see him competing in Indianapolis in the 90s and then celebrating the triumph at the 1902 24 Hours of Daytona, 1902 edition, embraced by his barfuto and controversial parent, FIRST EPISODE OF FOUR John Jr Paul falls, is reborn and goes away but as a man found THE LAST DECEMBER 29 ONE OF THE MOST INTERESTING AND DISSIPATED TALENTS OF THE US RACES OF THE EARLY 1980s. WITH AN INTENSE AND TORMENTED PERSONAL AFFAIR, UNFORTUNATELY HEAVY CONDITIONED BY THE ERRORS OF HIS FATHER, JOHN PAUL SR, DRUG TRAFFICIAN, LACTATING AND STILL ONE OF THE MOST WANTED MEN IN THE WORLD. FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS STORY IS REVEALED IN DETAILS, BRINGING THE UNLUCKY JUNIOR OUT IN A NEW LIGHT There are men who seem to do everything early in life. Grow, impose yourself. falling, getting up, suffering and even dying This seems to be the meaning of the story of John Paul Junior, who passed away last December 29 in Wo odland Hills, California, at the age of sixty. After a first part of a lively and frenetic life, between running and winning dn lanciatisnimo top driver with the Imsa prototypes and also in Findy, before the sudden interruption of everything, in the middle of the Years "B0, when he got involved, albeit marginally , in the activities of his father Joın Paul Senior, heavily embroiled in a marijuana traffco in a big way, as well as the protagonist of an attempted murder. Follow a conviction and three years in prison for Junior, then the release, the slow construction of the his career, his return to Indy, in the Imsa, first with the prototypes and then with the Corvette Gt and finally the terrible verdict of fate, which reserves him Huntington's disease, a progressive neuronal disease that has already caused the death of nanna and his mother and that he will reveal inexorable to him too. by Mario Donnini 72 AUTO NY

3:13 PM Mon Jan 18 * 100% THE PAUL FAMILY IS ORIGINAL FROM THE NETHERLANDS AND LIVES THE AMERICAN DREAM TO ALL EFFECTS. JOHN PAUL SENIOR IN A FEW HOSPITAL INSERVIOR BECOMES A SUCCESSFUL MAN IN FINANCE AND BEGINS TO GROW A PASSION FOR COKSEES BY LAUNCHING HIS JUNIOR SON IN THE IMSA. BUT THERE IS A POPE PROBLEM AND ALSO A GREAT TRAFFICIAN BY MARIJUANA 18 SACHS BOSCH DAYT 81 Klipsch A story splotatae intense the rest and a period of suffering, and of the most talented and only partially fragile men of the depth of summer and of a courage that Motorsport has expressed starting from the beginning towards the one that animated it in the most recent days in the Imsa series, a championship that is then re-beautiful, but no less intense and heroic: courage will veil fertile land for a large group of drug dealers to live until the last day, witnessing a new and tiring nerenity achieved and a consa tary as well as, in some ways, the Nascar of the dawns strong in the true values of life. This, therefore, is not only the epic of a for- Even if the glorious Camel GT niante series has something very, beautiful and very young to win and what to beat for spirit and lymph with respect to all colaro, in you too often, but also history of a man such as the Paul, Don and Bill Whittington family, who, likewise, lives at all, makes mistakes, rains Marty Hinze and, above all, Randy Lanier who finds himself, falls, pays, gets up and finds himself, before - they will be involved, more or less, in one of the most but that the dostino looks for him This is the life of John Paul Junior, one of the marijuana bulls pilots and the drug culture they carry whusky. big scandals in the Motoraport atoria 73 AUTO

* 100% 3:13 PM Mon Jan 18 STORIES OF PASSION International Marijunna Smugglers Amociation burned at Harvard business school and you will transfer with A complex and exciting story that from AELNIZE DA MATTRO mom Joyce, me, who am two years old, and my sarella this week is narrated in four parts of the Tales of the Passion, each dedicated to the 24 Hours of Rouge to some of the most prominent characters of the imma of Le Mans 1980 on a Porsche from the early 1980s, an acronym that Bobby Ra himself - hal and many other drivers, joking but nan too much, here he is at his absolute debut they had stopped thinking of it as International in racing, at the wheel of the Motor Sport Ansaciation to classify it, between serious and joking, Intermational Marijuana Smugglers Association of marijuana traffickers. Starting with the father of the unfortunate John Paul junior. The latter, however, emerges more as a victim and wasted driving talent than as an architect of negativity. But let's go in order, starting from where this story really begins by drawing, as far as possible, on the same words as him. Over it. Paul Junior competing Tonya in Massachusetts My other brother was born, Michael, eight years younger than me. Paul Sr, a legend of finance The rest looks like an American table: John St is hired by Putruam Management, which manages funds in Bonton, and here he becomes a legend in no time. He is promoted to co-fiund managut, thus increasing the fund from $ 600 million to a family of 4 935. Below, FFard bought by dad at the end of the "7th. Billion years, in just six years of managerial responsibility. John Paul Senior was born in 1939 and, in a few words, when he is not yet thirty, and a myth, as well as a neo-Ticno, Ecoolo then manage funds from Mattal Toys and Kentucky Fried Chicken, so much so that Mattel gives Paul Sr. a gold plaque as a prize, with on seritto, "Without you Mattel nan would be the one who en. Idile relationship with Paul Senior "My father has always been the toughest and most difficult person in the world. Just to give an example, he always struggled to bear the fact that others could be less intelligent than him. he expects cones to be touched in a certain way, he also pretends that what has to do with him does them exactly in his own way, He just can't understand why others don't see reality in the same perspective and queeto suconro a bunch of valte Here, I try not to have the same attitude amenito with my son, And when I lose parity for small things in the family, I know very well where my lack of calm sometimes comes from. John L. Paul Seniot, son of a radiologist, migrates at fifteen with his parents from Holland to the United States, to Muncie, Indiana, in the mid-1950s. Enterprising, gifted in mathematics. very, far too decisive, John Paul Senior shows right from the moment a problem that will ruin his life: the terribly aggressive nature. When I was born - said John Paul Junior - my father was twenty years old, four more than his mother and he supported us by being the attendant at the canteen of the Ball Hospital in Muncio, a makeshift job that his grandfather had found. But he could not bear a situation of this kind and so here he is papa's graduate student. But next to this there is much more. Junior is still a child when he finds dad in a meadow with some friends and everyone is smoking marijuana: ek was the first time I saw him do it and I was nine, so it was 1969. He sits me down next to me and says: "Your mother doesn't want me to smoke, but I just don't see anything wrong with that." In the meantime, things change when Paul Srotti gets a bonus from one of the funds that manages a flaming 1964 Corvette, with which he takes part in an auto-eross show, in a small parking lot. He likes it and here he is quieting a Cobra. Since 1970 he has also bought a Trans-Am Dodge Challenger ex Sam Posey, with which he wins races in Comnecticut, at Lime Rock, Bridgehampton and at Thompson. 74 TN PAUL AUTO SPRI

3:13 PM Mon Jan 18 * 100% John Pam 13 Y ETAS The thing that ruins everything happens: «My mother - Junior recalls - begins to go out with another pilot and papa no longer sees in anger, so much so that the house yes Above, Paul Junior in the race GRAND VETERAN DELENDURANCE A long day tenager John Junior opens his garage and finds it crammed with bales of marijuana. Senior is a fervent militant for the liberalization of the etba no. I am ten years old and I follow my mother, so much so that we go to live for three years in a van, buying basic necessities in exchange for the stamp. fills up with uria and shortly thereafter, my parents separated at the 1990 24 Hours of Le Mans, he explains that if he wants he can help out, because with his father and Guy Edwards at the wheel of the family Porsche 935. On the right, the helmet of Junior e. under. Tion, there is really nothing wrong with getting a little busy. As for Junior: I'm not saying no, because at that point in my life I just want to deal with him, I hate the idea of losing him again. Paul Senior, furious at the betrayal of the American sod "monlin" while Viagyi on a boat, loading and unloading, easy money, with papa at the wheel of the Porsche Paul Senior becomes a seafarer and changes his life. He gets sick, closes it there with the finanta, sells everything, buys a boat and for two years he lives as a couple with Frank Jelinski) doing regattas for the seven seas. Then, on the day of Paul Junior's 12th birthday, he returns to him peeking into his ex-wife's traveling house. He is very tanned, thin and ha The two get back together, moving to Florida Ma che mu Porsche Carrera racing, in 1976. Had I stayed with my mother, probably all this would never have happened - Junicr points out-, I would have ended up working as a gas station or selling gum in a Go-odYear store, I know, but the cones do not go like this for me, Kremer CKS Group C lin overtakes the Lancia Beta Mentecarlo of the Sivama di Baccò e Giudici. in the Junior endurance mendial he started smoking marijunna cont inuano to fitigate every day, so much so that leaving Brands Hatch, year 1982 Junior makes the choice of him and decides to stay with his father. no and they get back together for four times, until there is the denfinitivarchiosa Junior separation. to whom he is authoritarian, fiery, quarrels and violent with who does not agree with him, as well as perfectionist, fussy and at times humiliating with those who work for him. And in 1978, father and son - not yet of age - had a bad time, because a family hijacking that was transporting drugs was caught in Louisiana, but, managing to disperse most of its twenty-ton load, Paul Sr. al time with a clean record, he gets away with a half-million dollar fine and probation, even if the alarm for the Feds has already sounded. Junior goes to the pilotoggio nouola As an adult, therefore. Junior is sent to the driving school of Skip Harber, a former E1 driver. but not to run: No, papa wanted me to learn to drive better, because I had had a bad accident on a highway. I attend the course in the company of his girlfriend and at the end of the lessons the intruder compliments my dad because he is very good at him, then looks at me, shakes his head and says: "Instead Junior is hopeless at the wheel". But Senior is not discouraged and buys a Formula Fard, with which the baby makes his debut in racing. 39 He doesn't say it but the reason is simple: mom nan wants to have nothing to do with a marijuana trafficker, that is what appears to be the new, real, big deal of her restless and collectible father of her children . Junior follows Senlor And here the most natural and inevitable thing happens I was thirteen and just wanted to be with papa. I had missed him, I could no longer bear with abandonment born. And I realize how it all begins. He has a boat, in fact. A giarno meets gante who says: "Hey, this can be a hen with golden eggs. You can already make a lot of money, just take a few trips to Jamaica and load halle of mariujana." 75 AUTO BP BP

3:13 PM Mon Jan 18 * 100% STORIES OF THE PASSION In 1980 Junlor vinoe debut Imsa It all started in 1980, when Senior made his debut at the muo flanco Junior - which he affectionately calls "JahnJohn" - in the satie Imsa, with the family Porsche 935. The baby makes its debut at the Caca-Cola 400 in Lime Rock and the two Pauls, amidst the genetic surprise, triumph in the second heat and in the overall standings. m les mutuelles du u mans Then, three months later, they concede the bin to Road Atlanta: thanks to another three second places, Junior is fourth in the final ranking of the IMSA GTP standings. In 1981 it appears clear that the new Lola T600-Chavro let prototype, driven by the English Brian Redman, will dominate, so Paul Sr. does two things: he stops racing in sprint races, he reserves the right to return only as co-driver in the races. - if he endurance and perfects the purchase of a new Lola for his son, by now very well launched 28 In 1982 Junlor makes a great start in the SA Things start in a great way in 1982 because the Pauls win both the 24 Hours of Daytens and the 12 Hours of Sebring. Then Paul Jr. hits Road Atlanta. he leaves the Porsche for the Lola and crashes Laguna Seca, then, back on the 935 JLP-3, here he is also winning at the 500 Km of Charlotte 500 Among the most reckless rivals is John Fitzpatrick with the brand new and beautiful Porsche 935K4, but Paul Jr he brings out the decisive weapon: the surprising and extreme 935 JLP-4 which wins at the debut, in Brainerd, and then in Portland. Junior returns to JLP-3 paired with his father to win the 6 Hours of Mosport, then joins Mauricio de Narváez to get another second place. And, after another square of love paired with Paul Senior, Junior becomes the winner of the 1962 MSA OT Championship, at just 22 years of age a record. 26 Nal 193 pope goes in which up to the hill 1983 should be the year of the consecration and instead ni ruina tütto. Paul Junior has time in 1984 AND SECOND to finish second at the Miami Grand Prix with the AAA ORE OLE MANS and two other places on the podium. Then he makes a detour to JLP Racing Lola, pai the team is capped for- Above, Paul Junior in 1984 in Trans-Am and also wins with DeAtley Motorsports and with Porsche Group C in crew with Jean Rondeau and bess Preston Henn comes second to surprise in the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Above, we see it on the Hunaudieres do Posto straight at the Caasiars Palace Grand Prix in Las Vegas Trois-Rivieres, Canada. At this point he has a solution: his immense talent as a pilot and a problem: the troubles of his father, now a fugitive, highly sought after and increasingly sinking into the abyss of crime. ché Senior, protagonist of a terrified murder in the confrants of a potential witness, now and in the Fodetali network. Paul Jt. meanwhile he is announced by Henn's Swap Shop Racing for a couple of races, but retires in both. Now his future is in the Indycar, where he stands out for the two characteristics that will distinguish his career: the burning speed and the too frequent, disastrous and painful accidents, spacie Indy. Second in the 1984 24 Hours of Le Mans With growing worries about the disastrous relationship between the family and the justice system, Paul Junior faces 1984 by competing in endurance, where he gets his best satisfactions in the same race. So much so that and second triumph at the Michigan 500 Otmai John Paul Junior is a young driver who is trying his luck in a single-seater and in the fourth pre without in the category activates a resounding victory at the Norton Michigan 500, while he runs with fractures in one leg just welded, after a sensational crash on trial at the Indy 500, where it will end up the same end the year after. On the superspeedway in Michigan, Paui manages to be right for the valante of his Penske Pe10 of the VDS team in the end of none other than the strongest superoval driver of all time Rick Mears At the end of the year Paul Jr. is eighth in the championship thanks to a beautiful nec Group 44 Jaguar. On the other page, here he is instead competing with Gianpiero "Momo" Moretti and Derek Bell in a Nissan at the 1993 12 Hours of Sebring. Below, Paul jr dressed as a man. born for racing! at Le Mans in crew with Jean Rondeau and Pre ston Henn, in the T-Bird Swap Shop Porsche 956. Then he conquers the place of honor also in the 6 Hours of Watkins Glen, with Bruce Leven, in a Porsche 962, and is hired by the Count Racing in Imsa, with John Morton au March 84G, but it's no better than an eighth place that doesn't change his life. In single-seaters, in the FIndy, and in the race nine times out of sixteen, siding with four different teams: a third place as best result in the Caesars Patace Grand Prix, for the Provimi Veal Racing team, xu Match-Conworth 84C. 76 AUTO SPRI

3:13 PM Mon Jan 18 * 100% DE I would have gotten out without too much damage, but he never gave room for such requests. So in the end they had to find me guilty of something. Return difficult but valid And here begins the toughest and most moving part of the story of John Paul Jr. because, finally, completely free of problems, madness and fatherly choices, the boy, now well over thirty. he returns competitive in his ancient hunting reserve, the Imsa series, and tries unsuccessfully to return to IndyCar, where he suffers a certain ostracism for his trancorsi panali. Finally, in the mid-1990s. him and the birth of the IRL alternative series sponsored by Tony Gearge, lord of Indianapšis, who welcomes Paul Je favoring his engagement, beyond prejudices and perplexities. "I will always be grateful to Tony George for what he has done for me , when no one was determined to help me and get me back into the moriopoutas lap. Even if the speed rush of the best days seems to be gone, Paul Junior lost a great handle, so much so that in 1997 with a Dallara from team Pel-BIE frey he was seventh at the Indy 500, his best result in the very ciassicissima, while with Byrd-Cunningham Racing in 1998 he took a wonderful victory in Texan, fifteen years after his success at the Michigan 500. As for endurance, in 1997 with Riley & Scott de The Dyson team is among the magnificent seven that win the 24 Ote of Daytona and for him the triumph comes another fifteen years after the affirmation with papa and Rolf Stommelen, in a Porsche 935. MOMO 30 RODIO 30 A rebuilt enistance JohnJohn " . in addition to rebuilding his career, he does a lot more. He recomposes his life and family, giving you a sense of everything. He starts volunteering at a drug abuse clinic, then, after two years of separation, he gets back together with his wife Patricia: actually ninety percent of marriages end when one of the spouses goes to jail, but we managed to go through all this and find ourselves again, managing to reweave a beautiful plot: it was very nice to come home with the mini two children Alexandra and Jonathans. Despite this, the negno of the Nol 1986 Pail Junior flakes in Prigiane II 1985 and a nightmare year, started on the track with Conte Racing - Phil Conte will always give him a great hand-, and a March-Buick in the Imsa, but they are eleven horns and as many retirements, because the engines can't hold up, Great knock with the AMI Racing March Cosworth 85C at the Indianapolis 500 and only one placement, in Cleveland, disappointing 17th. In 1986 he returned to the podium at Road Atlanta, second paired with Whitney Ganz in a March-Buick 850, but everything began in May, when on hisce an adverse sentence of five years in prison for rackatenting, a crime that was for having made money illegally, given the connection with his father's illicit activities, even if he is not recognized any charge relating to direct drug trafficking. Immediately after the judicial ruling, John Paul Junior was sent to a medium-security prison in Alabama, where he remained for a total of thirty months, until the day of his release, in October 1988. The sup comment on the matter remains bitter as much as realistic: If only I had agreed to testify against my father, things would have been very different in court, Probably 77 AUTO

3:13 PM Mon Jan 18 * 100% THE STORIES OF PASSION AMCH 18 V-LINE D STS 43 bad experience had not canceled: The years as it should and its reaction times are in prison have dug me moito, changing my audience inadequate. The settlements that one hundred percent. If you are a bastard, they follow in jail, they leave no doubt about his fate: and you get beaten up until you stop being one. Yet affected by Huntington's motho, the same pathology I also found good people, my companions who took away his mother and grandmother. of cell, which have affected me so much and I am very much Paul Junior is forced to retire, very grateful. I think that I have finally learned private life, progressively experiencing all the ways in which a man should behave and how to overcome the severity of the disease, which does not negate the public. So much so that in 2018 Sylvia Wilkinson wrote a book about her history, entitled "50/50, The Story of Champion Race Car Driver John Paul Jr. VKlipsch the wrong things I did. Mom" My return to freedom seemed like a nice fable and his Battie with Huntington's Diseare ". and she was in the first period, until the day of my mother's death, on a November day. Difficult relationship with Paul Senior She has been ill for a long time and she was tired. I owe a lot to her, in her kind ways, contrary to her saying "JohnJohn": a very intelligent man Above, John Paut's suit was similar to my father's. She is always happy as he could have done things the way we see two in my racing career. And, although he couldn't hurt him And I also know that he himself doesn't look good on images in the 500's never coming to races, he always watched me on TV thinking about how things went. When she left, I thought she followed me. In a letter from 1988 his father writes this, if from up there. And there is a wonderful thing that I can to the judge of the trial: to humiliate her and to beat her: since she died, I have started winning again. the light in which I have eaten my family hanna me in a span of activity. he continued to think often of suicide as a solution. which is spread over three decades. guide me, perhaps, who knows, giving me a manor. UIM BAGKORI PRMA DELLAMALATA «I'm sorry for everything my father has done Miglia di Indianapolis., Where he boasts a seventh place finish in 1997. I'm sorry, I want to change and I swear that he is not in the top, he is competing in the 24 Hours. pil nothing to do with drugs in the future. Le Mans 1995 Even now, more than three years later, the fugitive Paul at the wheel of the Corvette Gt1 The end of the track In 2001, when Paul Junior entered a sta- Senior he is one of the most wanted people in the world to drive a very valid Corvette GT-do, from FBL As for Junior, he has never had 1. in a test he understands that something is wrong, regrets for having refused to testify against it because the telemetry shows that he is not driving lut No, a father is always a father. And that 78 AUTO EPAT NY

3:13 PM Mon Jan 18 * 100% START Paul Senior, the father, and Patul Junior, the son. If the judgment on Senioré is generally severe for what he has done, in Junior everyone sees a sweet person, sensitive and involved in that apiecevole situation, in any case Junior has paid all his debts with the giuntinia and has suffered, in his career and in life, to recover, until Huntington's disease unfortunately characterized his last years, ultimately causing his death. But I had a good story with him years before, because I bought his famous Porache 935 JLP-4, starting it at Goodwood in 2014 and advertising his fundraising activity in favor of research to defeat that terrible disease. For the occasion continues Barella himself - I met a sweet person, very sunsible and deeply tried by life, cared for by his latest partner, Darlene Gray, a man who, if he was wrong, as a young man, then suffered so much that he profoundly change an staeso. I remember doing everything to get him at the Vulocity Festival in his car, but the state of evil was so advanced that we gave up. In any case, the JLP-4 6 was driven in the 2014 edition by John Fitapatrick, who in that 1982 was a rival of him in the title Imsa. And also Fitz keeps a good memory and esteem for her, considering him well divetsa from his father. But there is a wonderful way to know and appreciate John Paul Junior and that is to read his last letter, which tells a lot about who he really was., BOSCH John Paul Junior's farewell letter I know you are reading these lines , it means that my time has come by now, Don't be sad, however, In these cases I know that there are people who say "he lost his battle" but I honestly don't feel like someone who has lost something. It all starts with the natural circle of life. It's what we do while we're here that really matters. And I loved my life! And I have many things for which I am grateful. I am so proud of my children, Jonathan Alax. They are the best thing I've done. Dear Babby Hogg, my best friend and brother. I can never repay what you did for me. Dear Darlene (Gray, ed) I could never have done what I did without you. In the last few weeks I have been fortunate to see so many friends who have brought me back precious, invaluable relationships and I am grateful for the things they have said to me. To them I answer; I love racing, I miss circuits and I love you. And to my friends with Huntington Disease I tell you: YOU WILL NOT GIVE UP L). Do not be afraid, trust in the good doctors who were so good-natured my father was. I just say I hate what I did earlier in life, but from a certain point on I made the decision to be as honest as I can. This was my possible positive climb, the right road and I took it, hoping that my difficult experience could be useful to someone. 50150 Rimpinnti? When someone asked John Paul Junior if he had any regrets in his life, his punctual reply is always the same: I could have said no to my father when he suggested bad ways to me, yes But it went like this, I was too young, perhaps. and weak of character. Then you never think about going to jail. It's like when you see thieves entering the house of strangers: you don't really believe that one day it could happen to you too, to find yourself with the house cleaned up. But it can happen, here's me. I've been there, now it's over. INCOMMIAD HORAGGIOSO Above, the übre dedicated to the story of Junior and the can against the disease. In the center, the pilots look at the carse from the nets and. above, a Porsche 935 JLP-4 bought by Maure experiences at the 24 Hours of Daytona from mid-Years Borella and brought to the Festival alone and I can assure you that the researchers are very 90's, she knew John Paul Junior well and has some Goodwood Speed close to finding the cure for this disease. 2014 for veteran John Fitzpatrick to drive it. who was a rival of Paul jr in Imsa at the beginning of the 80s to be able to Paul Junior told by who met him Mauro Borella, Milanese gentieman driver with me too, the cones can change in a day beautiful stories about him. Let's hear it: «A mutual friend, the pilot Jim Pace, who unfortunately disappeared due to Covid-19, brought me close to John. He has always spoken well to me and it is impressive how everyone in the world of courts makes a big difference, between the figures of As for me, I have no regrets and I am grateful to my friends, my family and the beautiful life I had. . Thanks again, for being part of esa. See you on the other side. With love, John. 79 AUTO